You weren't scatty at all (and consider yourself hugged back!). It really was a great event, the best of the launches/readings I went to, and one of the best things to come out of Worldcon for me is now feeling a very small part of the ESFF community (even if I am mostly a discord lurker). Your WIP sounds amazing too! Don't know what percentage hedgehog I am, but I'm reading a great book on British myths which spookily linked up to where I am, on holiday on the Isles of Scilly - luckily the weather here has delayed seasons moving apart from one day.

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Oh I'm jealous - I've never made it to the Isles of Scilly, despite having family in West Cornwall. Hope you're enjoying it there! And yes, I'm delighted you've found esff too - its a great place to hang out!

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